Croeso – welcome!

After 45 years in the TV repair business, I’ve decided it’s time to finally hang up my soldering iron.

Things have changed quite a bit in that time. When I started the largest TV screen was 26″ and weighed a ton. Anything bigger (a massive 40″!) was a murky projection set that had to be viewed stright on and in a dark room. There were three channels, and remote control was a luxury. Teletext had just been introduced and a frightening machine called a video recorder had just been released to the domestic market with an analogue clock and a cassette that lasted just an hour. Many TVs still had valves in them and kept the room nice and warm. A huge TV you could hang on the wall was a dream. 

Now that dream has become a nightmare with bigger and bigger TVs with hundreds of channels available. We now have smart TVs that are obsolete within a couple of years and we no longer have to watch in real time provided we can navigate the hugely convoluted menus. The end is now in sight for TV aerials and ugly satellite dishes. 

I’m still asked what the best TV to get is. My answer is anything with a five-year warranty and a make you’ve heard of. There are only a handful of manufacturers left in the world and they make TVs bigger and cheaper so they’re more fragile and less reliable.

If I can help with any ongoing job just contact me via email ( and we can have a chat about it. I am still available to look at high-end audio and vintage equipment so drop me a line – I can always say no and pass you on to another repairer.

If you do need a repair, then Andrew at ATD Electrical will be able to help. His number is 01248 602584.

So a big thank you to all my customers over the past years, and I hope I’ve been helpful to you.